The Aerocet Model 2200 Straight Float is the ideal item for a light aircraft as it is one of the most durable float on the market.
It is suitable for Piper PA-18 & Cessna 170/172. The maximum floatation rating is 1124KG with the bouyancy rating is 1151KG.
The Aerocet Model 2200 Straight float weighs 120KG with all attachments and internal hardware.

No Corrosion
No rivets which means that there will be no leaks
Common aerospace E-Glass and simple easy to use vinyl ester resin non sandwich bottom skin which makes any field repair easier
High impact sandwich core used on top and sides which adds durability and strength
Hull Design
Double fluted design which delivers strength to weight ratings
Sharp edges for reduced drag and increased hydrodynamics
Large flat deck with molded in antiskid
Top design for rough and smooth waters in performance
Super large sweet spot
Very slippery with minimal sensation of acceleration when leaving the water
Getting on to the step is reached quickly
6 watertight compartments
No large holes for rubber controls which can prevent flooding
Large access panels with integrated preflight pumpouts
Storage locker built in to the center compartment
Hull Protection
Aluminium Keel water strip
Special Aluminium chine rub strip designed to resist abrasion
Spreader Bar
Internal Shear Web
Impervious to crushing under forklift and clamping loads
Durable lightweight spreader bar socket with integral grease fittings
Water Rudders
Utilizes stainless tiller posts, brackets and fasteners
No ribber seals to crack and leak
No deck cables and turnbuckles to trip on
Maximum maneuverability with large rubbers

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